Rmd KEY CLub
DIvisional Rallies
Divisional rallies are opportunities to get to know other members in your division, participate in service projects, and learn about district happenings. If you have questions about your division's rally, contact your LTG and check their newsletters for information.
Spring rallies are usually held with individual divisions. This is because the next year's LT.G will be elected there! You also learn about DCON, ICON, do service activities, talk about club achievements, and much, much more!
Fall Rallies include officer training, games, volunteer activities, meeting other club members, learning about potential projects, and sometimes food! Often LT.G's will host these with other divisions as well, so you can meet multiple board members, and meet many different club members! These are really important for club officers to attend, because we can answer position questions, and give you an idea of what to expect during your term!